单曲名称:Ring My Bells
艺 术 家:Enrique Iglesias
Enrique Iglesias有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的舞台风格,使无数女性为之倾倒。“听Enrique的歌曲,能感觉到许多新的拉丁音乐元素,”《波士顿环球报》这样评论道:“他将拉丁音乐流行化,但又不使它们丧失拉丁韵味;如果他与Billy Joel、Phil Colins和Bryan Adams等不同风格的歌手同台演出的话,也不会显得格格不入。”Enrique的制作人Brian Rawlings和Rive Droite也异口同声称赞他是最具潜质的艺人:“没准,他将成为下一个George Michael!”
Ring My Bells
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Sometimes you love her
Sometimes you don’t
Sometimes you need it then you don’t and you let go..
Sometimes we rush it
Sometimes we fall
It doesn’t matter baby we can take it real slow..
Coz the way that we touch is something that we can’t deny
And the way that you move oh it makes me feel alive
Come on
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
You try to hide it
I know you do
When are you ready wanna ours meet up come and get to
You move me closer
I feel you breathe
It’s like the rose disappears when you around me
Coz the way that we touch is something that we can’t deny
And the way that you move oh you make me feel alive
So come on
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Say you want, say you need
I can do by your face know the way it turns me on
I say you want, I say you need
I will do all your things I would never do you wrong
Coz the way that we love
Is something that we can’t fight
I just getting up oh you make me feel alive
So come on
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
I say you want I say you need
Say you want say you need
(I can tell that way oh look at me i tell you what)
(If you caught all the taste for me don't have to wait just get it on)
Get it on
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..